Conduct a search in SearchLib and directly export to RefWorks from the results list:
RefWorks will open automatically in a new window or tab and you'll be prompted to enter your RefWorks credentials (if you aren’t already logged in).
Select the project (Select a Project) and the folder (Assign to Folder) you want to add your source to and click Import:
You can view your newly imported reference by clicking on Go to Last imported and/or in the folder where you saved it to (in My Folders area):
The reference is now saved in your RefWorks library:
You can export multiple results at the same time: from the list of results, check the box of the items you are interested in, click on the main options menu on top of the list, then click the RefWorks button:
Select the project (Select a Project) and the folder (Assign to Folder) you want to add your sources to and click Import; all selected citations are now saved into your RefWorks account:
Direct export to RefWorks is available on several research databases. If you are not sure whether the online database you are using has the direct export feature, please contact
You can also export references from Google Scholar to RefWorks. Open the Google Scholar menu and click Settings. In the Manage bibliography section, select the option Show links to import citations and choose RefWorks, then click Save (Please note: you must repeat these steps each time you change PC and/or browser):
Once saved your setting, you can start searching in Google Scholar: each item from the results list will display the option to Import into RefWorks: you just need to click. Please note: in Scholar you can only export one reference at a time (no simultaneous export of multiple results):
When the direct export feature is not available, you can try and grab the bibliographic data of a webpage you are visiting using the Save to RefWorks bookmark. To install Save to RefWorks, click Tools and drag the Save to RefWorks button to the bookmarks bar of your browser. Please note: your bookmarks bar must be visible on your browser:
Once installed, when you are visiting a webpage, click Save to RefWorks bookmarklet: the bibliographic content of the page (i.e. title, author, URL etc) will be added as a new reference into your RefWorks library:
Please note that the quality of the resulting reference may vary depending on the website you are visiting; in some cases, you might need to manually add missing information, or get no reference at all. It is therefore recommended to use the direct export option (when available) to import online bibliographic data.