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Bibliographic Research Skills

Build an effective reasearch strategy and discover the best ways to find and evaluate resources for your work.

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Google Scholar  
This is a search engine to find scholarly articles, theses, pre- and post-print books, abstracts, patents, conference proceedings, government technical reports, judicial opinions, made available by academic publishers, professional organizations, online archives, universities, and other websites. To get the most out of it, activate the Bocconi Library link: the resolver Find It@Bocconi Library will appear next to results that are available at Bocconi Library and  click to access full-text content.

It contains the catalogs of nearly 20,000 libraries in over 123 countries that, like the Bocconi Library, participate in the OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) cooperation. You will find references to books, articles and resources on various media, find out if they are available in libraries near you, how to access them or request them remotely.

Collective catalog of Italian libraries participating in the National Library Service (state libraries, libraries of local authorities, university libraries, public and private institutions) operating in different subject areas. You will find references to books, articles and resources on various supports, you will discover in which Italian libraries they are available and find information on how to request them. 

The Archives of the National Periodicals Catalogue contains information on the journals owned by the Italian libraries participating in the project, like Bocconi Library. You will find which journal issues are available and where, information about the libraries, how to request a consultation and links to the journals available online.