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Libguide for Sociology


You can search books and e-books on SearchLib using a keyword or the information you have (title, author).

Use filters (e.g. Availability, Resource type, Date, Subject...) to refine your search: you can select "Books" as Resource Type and choose "Available in the Library" or "Available online" in Availability for books or e-books only.



You can explore sociology monographs among reading room shelves. Here are some examples:

BR.70  ̶  Social problems

BT.00  ̶  Sociology

BT.10  ̶  Applied sociology

BT.20  ̶  Social structure

BT.30  ̶  Social change

BT.40  ̶  Social interaction

CB.10  ̶  Social psychology


Learn more about borrowing books.   


Here are some reference e-book platforms for the sociology subject area: