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Open Access

How to choose the transformative agreements option

Bocconi Library has signed trasformative agreements with the major publishers via the consortium CARE-CRUI (Coordinamento per l'Accesso alle Risorse Elettroniche - Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università italiane). Through these contracts, Bocconi authors can publish in hybrid journals without having to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs): in fact, the agreements cover both the subscription fees and the APCs in hybrid journals for an unlimited or fixed annual quantity of articles.

If you are a researcher affiliated with Bocconi University and the corresponding author of a scientific paper, you can publish Open Access in a journal via transformative agreements, following these steps:

  1. Check the eligibility of the journal using our Open Access Journal Search Tool and the related publisher agreement here below.  
  2. Follow the publisher guidelines to submit the request.
  3. Choose the Open Access option, the license (CC-BY license recommended) and Bocconi/SDA institution as primary affiliation. Use your institutional email.

Please note: agreements may not cover APCs for some articles types, as well as additional charges associated with the printed journal, such as color figures or offprints

After that, the Library Team will check their affiliation and, if the requirements are met, approve their request through the publisher’s platform: the paper will then be available in Open Access.


Current transformative agreements